Any DSC student in good standing or any student in good standing at another 凡接受留学学分的院校均可. Be sure to check with the college or university you want to receive your credits for their policies.
There are many reasons why you should make study abroad a part of your college education. 这里有一些...
这绝对是你一生中最好的留学时间. 你再也找不到比现在更好的机会了. If you've ever thought about studying overseas, do it while you're in college. If you miss this window of opportunity, it's almost impossible to do later in life. 出国旅行就不一样了.
美国的生活几乎每天都是一样的. Life overseas makes you see your everyday world in a whole new light. 你甚至都没有意识到, but our culture shapes the way we view the world and affects us every minute of the day. Differences in culture are more than just differences in language, food, clothing, and art. Cultural differences reflect deeply ingrained perceptions about the world and about one's way of life, and these perceptions are radically different from one culture to the next. Americans don't tend to venture outside the confines of their day-to-day lives. Students who study abroad return home with an broadened and less biased perspective toward other cultures. You'll be more sensitive to what is happening in the news from places around the world. You'll be able to relate better to other students on campus who are from different countries.
找出真正的自己. 你的极限是什么?? How do you overcome obstacles you've never before encountered? 你能把自己逼到什么程度? 你有多独立?? These questions are hard to answer until you are removed from your usual surroundings. 离开你在美国生活的“舒适区”.S.,你会发现你以前从未意识到自己拥有的力量. 在你自己解决了海外的难题之后, 你会发现在家里几乎没有什么能让你烦恼. Students who study abroad commonly report that their study abroad experience actually changed their life.
在当今的全球社会中,这是一种有价值的商品. Potential employers will be impressed that you have a unique perspective on not only another society, 还有你自己的. Having had an overseas study experience shows that you're motivated, inquisitive, and willing to try new things - all very appealing qualities in an employee. 出国留学的人往往愿意承担风险, 愿意把自己置身于不寻常的环境中, 能够在特殊情况下解决问题, 并且能够克服对未知的恐惧. You'll also be setting yourself apart from other American students.
了解另一个国家的文化是一回事, 但亲身体验完全是另一回事. Things you had previously only read about in a book or learned about in a classroom will become your own personal experiences. Study abroad is not for everyone, but it is something that everyone should consider.
The above prepared by The University System of Georgia Office of International Education [8/2001]
DSC and the University System of Georgia offer you a wide variety of study abroad opportunities from 9-day programs to semester/academic year programs. 你选择适合你的. Many DSC students choose the five-week summer study abroad programs located in countries around the world. 有关更多信息,请访问 USG留学项目.
It is important to make early preparations for financial aid. 如果计划得当, HOPE Scholarship funding and most financial aid programs can be applied to an accredited study abroad opportunity. Also, you should consider a student loan to help you participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity. Contact the DSC财政援助办公室 for specific information on using your financial aid package toward study abroad.
每年DSC提供有限数量的 DSC基金出国留学奖学金. 还有其他外部奖学金机会. See a list of available scholarships and download application forms from the 经济援助/奖学金页面 申请.
To be sure you are fully informed of how to prepare for the study abroad experience, 请按照以下步骤操作.
- Visit DSC’s Center for International Education (Gignilliat Memorial Hall, Room 004), or contact Dr. 费尔南多·加西亚,(706)272-4600, to review study abroad program options and to obtain information and application forms.
- 拜访你的学术顾问 in your major field of study to discuss how the overseas program fits into graduation requirements and to receive written approval for the courses selected. See the USG走向全球-课程等同 for a comparison of study abroad courses and equivalent DSC courses.
- 访问财政援助办公室 to examine how financial aid can be applied to your study abroad program.
- 完成申请. 提交表格前. It must be signed by the Director of the Center for International Education. Other forms you need to submit include your study abroad program application form, DSC参与条款和条件, 以及DSC医疗档案和护理同意书. It is mandatory that a completed study abroad application is filed even if the program is not sponsored by DSC. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that DSC will recognize the academic credit earned.